Strange behavior of Jetson Nano M.2 wifi module

I installed M.2 WiFi module (Intel 8265ac) Jetson Nano devloper kit.
I use Ubuntu 18.04 - from Nvidia image.

In order to connect to Jetson I use ssh (via Ethernat cabel). I use nmtui to connect to wireless network. I don’t have any problems with connection.

When I connect via Ethernet, then connect to WiFi I see that Jetson gets to two IP (from my router which has DHCP server running): one for Ethernet connection and the second for WiFi. Till now everything is as I expected.
There are two strange issues:

  1. When I unplug the Ethernet cable I also lost the WiFi connection.
  2. When I ping the WiFi IP address (from my computer in the same network) I got ping with time less then 1 ms!
    If I want to connect only to WiFI I have to unplug ethernet then restart the device and then I got ping with average time about 60 ms. It seems like the WiFi and ethernet ports are somehow related and when I ping the WiFi interface it ping the Ethernet interface.

How can I connect to WiFi then disconnect ethernet cable and still be connected to WiFi?

Please share us the dmesg when you unplug the ethernet cable. Need to know what is going on.

The dmesg output is quite long so I create Gist:

There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue any more.
Hence we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one.

It looks like just a boot log. Did you reproduce the error yet?

What we need to check is the log after strange behavior happens.