Support for a sample application with CloudXR

Hello, I am a student learning to use NVIDIA CloudXR SDK. I used the CloudXR Experimental Server (CloudXRServerSample.exe) and build the .apk file for Oculus VR Client (Android). I am using a Meta Quest 3 visor. I can visualize angel statue model but at this point I would like to create my own VR application to visualize (even a simple geometric figure), what should I do? Do I need to create my own XR server and my own dedicated XR client? If so what development environments do you recommend?
Does anyone have a working example available that I can test and/or modify for academic learning purposes?
Thanks in advance

Unfortunately we can’t offer much help with the experimental server API included in CloudXR 4.0.

In general, to build and stream your own VR application, you would want to use the SteamVR server provided with the SDK, and build a standard VR game for SteamVR. Typically this will look like making your own game in a game engine that supports OpenXR or OpenVR, like Unity, Unreal or Godot.

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