After install my Xavier board from Linux_for_Tegra
Entering next command sudo ./ jetson-agx-xavier-devkit mmcblk0p1.
During the first boot the board boots with already exist user and I am not able to login.
Tegra_Linux_Sample-Root-Filesystem_R32.7.4_aarch64 seems to already have exist user
with message
I’m assuming this is the exact opposite of what the question sounds like.
If you are reading any documents which say that there is a default login, then the documents are years out of date. There is no default login. Many years back (during L4T R28.x? maybe as early as R24.x) California added a law about shipping computers with default name/password, and so this had to be changed to first boot setup.
You should be able to run this command on the host PC if you want a default password and name (one you’ve created). Just run this once and all flashes from then on have that name/pass: sudo ./tools/