Terminal nvidia-settings query returns empty string

Hi all,
I’ve set up Ubuntu server 16.04 and installed nvidia-384. GPU I am using is P106-100, mining edition.

I have couple of mining machines and my idea is to make auto OC service to be able to automatically OC machines when service starts. I managed to do that using lightdm. If I use some gpu manager, xorg.conf gets overwritten on each reboot.

File .nvidia-settings-rc is generated and works fine. Same is for xorg.conf. Four of my machines are working great, OC is going fine, but I got into one that is making problems.

Problem I encounter on some machines is that nvidia-settings is not working. Response on

nvidia-settings -q all

is empty.

I am not sure what might be problem. I’ve tried reinstalling drivers, but still problem occurs.

I am attaching nvidia-bug-reports.

Also, if someone has solution for OC without using desktop or nvidia-settings, please point me to that direction.

Kind regards,

P.S.: Another mention, this should run without monitor.
nvidia-bug-report.log (249 KB)