The Jetson nano does not have 40pin header Python driver

We use one SPI interface of nano to interconnect external devices, and the IO used by this SPI interface is located on devkit 40pin header.
When using the nano module attached with devkit (TF card version), execute sudo / opt / NVIDIA / Jetson IO / Jetson io Py, we can see the function selection of “configure Jeston 40pin header”, and then we can configure the spi-io function.

When the nano module of 16GB EMMC version installe on the devkit board, execute the above command, it shows that there is no “configure Jeston 40pin header” model function, and the spi-io function cannot be used.

16GB EMMC version Nano Module System image version: jetpack 4.6.1

Have reference to below topic to modify the device tree manually for EMMC module.

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Thanks for your replay.
But this tpoic can’t solve my problem。Now,I can’t configure the SPI pin and I can’t see the spi node,also I can’t find these files :
mentioned in the above topic。

My problem now is what should I do to make “configure Jeston 40pin header”option appear when running。

For your module need manually configure those pins.
Below link tell how to get the kernel source and how to build it.

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