Tracker ID will be go till 32bit INT, is there is a way to reduce it, and will start from 0 again?

Please provide complete information as applicable to your setup.

**• Hardware Platform ----------> GPU
• DeepStream Version ----------> 6.4
• TensorRT Version ----> 8.5
**• NVIDIA GPU Driver Version ----> 545

Is this possible ?
tracker ID will be go till 32bit INT, is there is a way to reduce it, let’s say 50,000 and when it(tracker-ID) will reach 50K. automatically it will start from 0 again ?

I already went through “tracking-id-reset-mode” flag , But this is only works when the stream will reset or going to EOS. But my query is, if possible I can reset the tracker-ID.

Seem it is the same question with: How to use nvtracker with sub-batches? - #7 by kesong

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