Hi all,
Having some issues with a material I’ve made in UE5 NvRTX, it’s meant to be a translucent water material that I have applied to a geometry cache. (FYI I need a non 0 value in the opacity for the motion blur to render).
I’m using Lumen with all the hardware ray tracing options turned on, except Translucency is still set to raster as with the current UE5.0 build there doesn’t appear to be a way to get correct ray traced refraction like in 4.27.
With that in mind I’ve got a result I’m happy enough with, the issue though is as soon as I run or simulate the game the material changes, it becomes brighter and more saturated, not good! The same issue does not happen in vanilla UE5.
Here is what the material looks like in the editor before running/simulating (top) and once the game is running (bottom) + the simple material parameters (side):
Can anyone help with this issue?