Ubuntu 20.04 do not upgrade greater than 390 driver

hi, i’m on Ubuntu 20.04 focasa DesktopV. and GPU Geforce 6100 (pc desktop) series and also tested on HP Laptop with nvidia gpu(820M, Intel core i5 PRIME), and there is NO way to Upgrade Nvidia-geforce drivers greater than 390 genuines drivers. my focus is to get tensorflow-gpu==1.15 with Cuda 11 … each time trying to upgrade or install 430, 440, 450 , 460 Drivers, after reboot, screen go to hell (black screen) yes. i’ve already fixed with “nomodeset” to recovery desktop without drivers and try to install back geuine 340 or 390 drivers or fotmat full OS again. i ve forgooten say that when i try to install 430 or greater it says" this driver will ignore this graphic card" Question. 390 is Maximum genuine drivers posiible to install in these GPUS?