Ubuntu 22.04 for Jetson AGX Orin Developer Kit

I have the Jetson AGX Orin Developer Kit, and I would like to know if I can install Ubuntu 22.04 on it. If so, where can I download the proper Ubuntu version?

With jetpack 6.0 mid-November

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Upgrading to Ubuntu 22.04 is already possible today. However, the effort is considerable, because the change from Python 3.8 to 3.10 means that a lot of things have to be recompiled from the sources. Often, adjustments are required in the sources themselves. As an advantage, however, you have that programs like Bender 4.0 or NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS running with ROS 2 Iron and you don’t need handstands for the applications on Huggingface.

jetpack 6.0 will come with cuda 12.1 ubuntu 22.04 and pytorch 2.0.1

Do you know what will be the TensorRT version?

@elbituser JetPack 6.0 will come with TensorRT 8.6

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cuda 12.1 right?

Yep, CUDA 12.2 actually I think 👍

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Amazing! thanks! Although tensorrt 9.0 is about to be released, a quick update would be nice.

Do you know if a beta will be released earlier or a GA? It would be nice to have it released now.

No sorry, I don’t believe there are currently plans for a public beta/preview release, I understand it would be nice. I’m also looking forward to it! Also there is typically some delay before new TRT versions are available/tested for Jetson, and I don’t have visibility yet when TRT9 would appear in JetPack 6.x.

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Thank you for the reply, it is really appreciated.

Now I was thinking that cuda 12.2 comes with HMM(Heteregeneous Memory Management). It could fantastic if ssd can be applied like swap memory for models, but well, pytorch must be updated internally

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