Ubuntu 9.04 Freezes with some Examples simpleGL example freezes


i am trying to figure out why ubuntu 9.04-64bit freezes when i run the simpleGL example from cuda, and some other ones.
it runs ok the first 2 or 3 secs, then everything freezes up and i have reboot manually.
has anyone had this trouble? i dont know if there is a way to solve it… some help would be awesome since i have to develop a very similar program and i plan on using simpleGL as my reference to start with.

Operating System: Linux-x86_64 Ubuntu 9.04
NVIDIA Driver Version: 190.18 —for 64-bits
Graphics Processor: Geforce 9800 GTX+ 512MB
VBIOS Version:

thanks in advance.

any clue what might be the problem?

i heard that very high framerates tend to freeze the system is that true?

What motherboard and chipset are you using. I am having a similar problem where the IGP on the motherboard is also CUDA-compatible. Do any of the SDK examples run?

My motherboard is a Zotac nForce 750a and yes it has IGP. it is equivalent to Geforce 8200 card.
when i run Nvidia X Server Settings it detects the Geforce 9800 GTX+, but as you say there might be a problem with both GPUs colliding somehow.
most of the examples work, including the Fluids one.
but some examples based on OpenGL are the ones that freeze.
-imageDenoising [FREEZES]
-simpleGL [FREEZES]
-simpleTexture3D [FREEZES]
-Mandelbrot [FREEZES]

to name a few.

the Fluid example is one of the few OpenGL ones that work well without crashing the system.
any help is appreciated, thanks in advance

Have you installed the most recently cuda driver? There’s no need to downgrade gcc with the newer version.

i got installed cuda 2.3 latest version

Problem Solved External Image !!!

if anyone has the same problem as me, just do the following on Nvidia X Settings:
in my case this is in.
System >> Preferences >> Nvidia X Server Settings:
and go to:
X Screen 0 >> OpenGL Settings
and make sure “Sync to VBlank” is Checked.

i think the problem was with the high frecuencies of some examples which differ too much of my monitor frecuency.

PD: i dont know how to mark the Topic Title as [Solved]

Cool it’s good to know that! :)

When I setup Nvidia 11.04 to work with twin view after the Ubuntu installation, it crashed my X completely and I had manually to change xorg.conf. After that I had freezes randomly, but luckily I’ve read this post and it has solved my problem. Thanks neoideo.

Well, it lasted just few hours more :(. I probably have another problem. I will try to work out but probably with other drivers.