Unable to Flash Jetson NX emmc version to JetPack 4.4

I currently can use my Jetson NX boards with Jetpack 4.6 and 4.6.2.
However I have a customer using 4.4 and 4.5.
I have been unable to flash the emmc back to the older version.
I have tried fresh installs of SDK manager and using the command line flash.sh.

I always get this…
[ 2.0271 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 --align mem_rcm.bct
[ 2.0277 ]
[ 2.0284 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --magicid MEMB --appendsigheader mem_rcm.bct zerosbk
[ 2.0290 ] adding BCH for mem_rcm.bct
[ 2.0301 ]
[ 2.0310 ] tegrasign_v2 --key None --list mem_rcm_sigheader.bct_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[ 2.0316 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
[ 2.0319 ]
[ 2.0328 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --updatesigheader mem_rcm_sigheader.bct.encrypt mem_rcm_sigheader.bct.hash zerosbk
[ 2.0340 ]
[ 2.0341 ] Copying signatures
[ 2.0347 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --partitionlayout flash.xml.bin --updatesig images_list_signed.xml
[ 2.9627 ]
[ 2.9627 ] Boot Rom communication
[ 2.9636 ] tegrarcm_v2 --chip 0x19 0 --rcm rcm_list_signed.xml
[ 2.9643 ] BR_CID: 0x880219116430b007240000000bfe0200
[ 2.9908 ] RCM version 0X190001
[ 3.0353 ] Boot Rom communication completed
[ 4.0515 ]
[ 5.0559 ] tegrarcm_v2 --isapplet
[ 5.0585 ] Applet version 01.00.0000
[ 5.1330 ]
[ 5.1330 ] Sending BCTs
[ 5.1358 ] tegrarcm_v2 --download bct_bootrom br_bct_BR.bct --download bct_mb1 mb1_bct_MB1_sigheader.bct.encrypt --download bct_mem mem_rcm_sigheader.bct.encrypt
[ 5.1380 ] Applet version 01.00.0000
[ 5.1857 ] Sending bct_bootrom
[ 5.1862 ] […] 100%
[ 5.1877 ] Sending bct_mb1
[ 5.1916 ] […] 100%
[ 5.1960 ] Sending bct_mem
[ 5.2452 ] […] 100%
[ 5.2513 ] 0000000000000102: E> NONE: Invalid value MemBct dram size: 0MB for slot: 2.
[ 5.2678 ]
[ 5.2678 ]
Error: Return value 2
Command tegrarcm_v2 --download bct_bootrom br_bct_BR.bct --download bct_mb1 mb1_bct_MB1_sigheader.bct.encrypt --download bct_mem mem_rcm_sigheader.bct.encrypt
Failed flashing t186ref.

This has probably been resolved but can’t find the relevant thread.
I’ve compared config files between 4.4 and 4.6.2 and don’t see anything that would point to anything.

Has someone resolved this already? Are you even able to go back to 4.4 for NX?

Thank you

Moving this topic to the Jetson Xavier NX category for visibility.

If you are using NX 16GB, please check if the overlay in this page can help or not.

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