Unable to run ROS2 navigation sample

Hello Isaac Sim team,

I am facing a problem while running the ROS2 Navigation Sample as given here with several setups on my machine. I know these kind of setups are not exactly the same as the one given in the documentation but they are similar and I would still like to know what is the reason behind the problem I am facing.

First setup:

I tried running Isaac Sim 2021.1.1 using a docker container as mentioned here and ran the ROS2 navigation launch file in a separate docker container with Foxy Fitzroy installed on it. The launch script showed me errors like this:

[controller_server-5] [ERROR] [1634639626.023357221] [local_costmap.local_costmap]: StaticLayer: “map” passed to lookupTransform argument target_frame does not exist.
[controller_server-5] Warning: Invalid frame ID “map” passed to canTransform argument target_frame - frame does not exist
[controller_server-5] at line 133 in /tmp/binarydeb/ros-foxy-tf2-0.13.10/src/buffer_core.cpp

Also, rviz shows this error: “Fixed Frame Frame [map] does not exist”

I then tried checking the rqt_graph to understand the problem further. An image is given below:

I think that Isaac Sim and ROS2 side is connected together after looking at this graph. I was also able to see messages being received on the “/scan” and “/odom” topics but not on the “/map” topic which further indicates that Isaac Sim and ROS2 side is connected together but somehow the “/map” topic does not get any message from the Isaac Sim side. What can be the reason behind Isaac Sim not being able to send messages to the “/map” topic?

Second setup:

I am also facing the exact same issue if I run Isaac Sim natively on my system but ROS2 launch file as before in a docker container. My system has Ubuntu 21.04 installed on it.

If the issue cannot be resolved, please tell me if I install Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS on my system, will running Isaac Sim natively and ROS2 launch file natively work?

Update: I tried this sample on Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS exactly as given in the documentation. It still does not work. Please help!

The error is same as the one before:
[planner_server-6] [INFO] [1634800003.028694212] [global_costmap.global_costmap]: Timed out waiting for transform from base_link to map to become available, tf error: Invalid frame ID “map” passed to canTransform argument target_frame - frame does not exist
[controller_server-5] Warning: Invalid frame ID “map” passed to canTransform argument target_frame - frame does not exist
[controller_server-5] at line 133 in /tmp/binarydeb/ros-foxy-tf2-0.13.12/src/buffer_core.cpp
[controller_server-5] Warning: Invalid frame ID “map” passed to canTransform argument target_frame - frame does not exist
[controller_server-5] at line 133 in /tmp/binarydeb/ros-foxy-tf2-0.13.12/src/buffer_core.cpp

Another Update:
Everything seems to work now except for the map appearing. What can be the reason?

I loaded the map using the command:
ros2 service call /map_server/load_map nav2_msgs/srv/LoadMap “{map_url: carter_warehouse_navigation.yaml}”

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