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DRIVE OS 6.0.6
DRIVE OS 6.0.5
DRIVE OS 6.0.4 (rev. 1)
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[*] DRIVE AGX Orin Developer Kit (940-63710-0010-300)
DRIVE AGX Orin Developer Kit (940-63710-0010-200)
DRIVE AGX Orin Developer Kit (940-63710-0010-100)
DRIVE AGX Orin Developer Kit (940-63710-0010-D00)
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DRIVE AGX Orin Developer Kit (not sure its number)
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native Ubuntu Linux 20.04 Host installed with SDK Manager
[*] native Ubuntu Linux 20.04 Host installed with DRIVE OS Docker Containers
native Ubuntu Linux 18.04 Host installed with DRIVE OS Docker Containers
We recently purchased 2x Sekonix SF3325-100. We were advised by Sekonix that the cameras are equipped with the MAX96705 Serializer and is compatible with MAX96712 Deserializer on Nvidia Drive AGX Orin.
We were following the guide to setup camera link below:
After coping and pasting this command: “sudo ./nvsipl_camera --platform-config “V728S1-120V1-FWC_CPHY_x4” --link-enable-masks “0x0001 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000” -d 0”
I got the following error on the terminal as shown in the screenshot below:
Dear @kevin.kal ,
Please see Running Sekonix SF3325-100.
the ‘Sekonix SF3325’ camera is supported by Onsemi. I will send you their contact information via a private message.
I have tried to contact onsemi from the emails you’ve sent me. they did not respond. We have purchased this camera according to the recommended sensor list of Drive AGX Orin. We followed the instructions in the camera set up section in the Nvidia Docs and still not able to set up. Can you please provide the steps required for us to get the camera working.
The platform-config “V728S1-120V1-FWC_CPHY_x4” this specifies the name of the platform configuration that describes the connection of image sensors to Orin based platforms.
So I am thinking we need to know from On-semi/Sekonix what is the correct --platform-config details, since when I typed " ./nvsipl_camera -h ", amongst listing all the details there was a section for --platform-config details which listed a ton of different camera numbers. So we need to know which is the correct one. I tried a few as shown in the image below still getting different errors:
I found some more information with regards to Sekonix SF3325-100
I run this program on Drive AGX Orin ./sipl_query. We did not find anything related to SF3325. However I ran the same program on docker to find the details of SF3325 were showing.
Dear @kevin.kal
P3710 high level block diagram is in mechanical installation guide. Can you check if it is good enough? Also, can you check with them on what logs needed like syslog, nvsipl_camera?
Dear @kevin.kal,
syslog can be found at /var/log/. You need to get the camera drivers from them to test nvsipl_camera. Please seek clarification on what logs required.
Hello @SivaRamaKrishnaNV , I wont send them logs yet, I will ask what logs they need, with regards to the High level block diagram I can only find this on the mechincal installation guide: