I am trying to upload files to Nucleus using the Linux based OmniClient library. I am using omniClientCopy API to copy the files from local machine to Nucleus server.
I have referenced linux-x64/libomniclient.so in my C# project and I am invoking omniClientCopy API using Interop Services.
Here is the snippet that makes the call to Nucleus.
omniClientWait(omniClientCopy(localFilePath, serverFilePath, IntPtr.Zero, CopyCallbackImpl, Convert.ToUInt32(OmniClientCopyBehavior.eOmniClientCopy_Overwrite), “”));
Callback Result: eOmniClientResult_ErrorConnection
Error: Connection
Exception from OmniClient Library: Terminate called without an active exception
Sometime this API works, with eOmniClientResult_Ok response, if I try to upload 20-40KB files, but if I try to upload a larger file, then I get eOmniClientResult_ErrorConnection back from the callback method.
Not sure what is happening inside the C++ library.
How can I fix this issue?