URGENT!Jetson AGX Xavier is not booting after a docker build..may be due to low space


My Xavier development kit was working fine up until i tried to install Open VSLAM using docker by following below URL.

Running on Docker — OpenVSLAM documentation (openvslam-community.readthedocs.io)

I am having NVIDIA Docker 2.0.3 with Ubuntu 18.04

I started getting low disk space issue and installation stopped in the middle. I tried several times but it did not work may be due to low space or no space. I then restarted Xavier and since then my Xavier is not booting.

Every time i get below error message and then my monitor goes blank and nothing happens.

Could you any one help, its very urgent!

Thanks and Regards,
Udaykiran patnaik.

Hello @uday.patnaik

Can you connect jour Jetson Xavier NX via debug USB?


Hello mehmetdeniz,

Thank you for your quick reply.
It is actually Jetson AGX Xavier.

Since i am new to development using Jetson, so i do not have any experience of connecting via debug USB.

Could you please provide some more details or supporting url to try.

Thanks and Regards,
Udaykiran Patnaik .

If you have a host PC and a micro-usb cable, can you follow this post:

Ok, let me try.

Hello mehmetdeniz,

I saw some other thread.

I just tried again by ctrl+alt+F3 and i was able to enter login id, password through tty3… But now how do i get back my desktop. Any help would be highly appreciated.

Thanks and Regards,
Udaykiran Patnaik.

Can you type this command:
df -h

Yes, I tried. I found some thing like this.

Is all ok?

Thanks and Regards,
Udaykiran Patnaik.

Yes you can solve this issue. Your disk is full. So that, you can uninstall some packages. If you have unimportant applications or libraries, you can delete some of them.

For example, if you don’t use thunderbird you can remove it like that:
sudo apt-get remove thunderbird*

Then if your filesystem have some space (Available space of mounted on /) you can reboot or switch to desktop mode.

Hello mehmetdeniz,

Thank you so much, i will uninstall unwanted application/libraries and check. In case of any help i will come back again.

Thanks for your prompt support.

Udaykiran Patnaik.

It sounds like building this Docker container is what took up all your disk space, so you may just want to delete that container. You can check which Docker images you have installed with sudo docker images and remove them with sudo docker rmi <image-name>

You can remove dangling images like this:

sudo docker rmi -f $(sudo docker images | grep "<none>" | awk "{print \$3}")
sudo docker image prune -a

If you are unable to run the docker commands due to low disk space, then you can manually delete your docker root data dir. By default this is /var/lib/docker

In the future, you may want to add NVME drive to your Xavier devkit for additional disk space. You can then change the docker default root dir to the NVME drive so that the containers are all stored on NVME instead of eMMC.

Hello dusty_nv,

Thank you so much.

I will delete docker image as suggested by you.

Thanks and Regards,
Udaykiran Patnaik.

Thank you mehmetdeniz, dusty_nv,

I was able to get back my desktop by deleting the docker containers and image successfully.

Thanks and Regards,
Udaykiran Patnaik