[urgent]Problem that it is not applied even if time zone is changed in GUI Date and time


There is a problem that does not change even if you change the time zone by clicking seoul, la in the GUI Date and time.

How can I fix it?

The tegra version is as follows:
cat /etc/nv_tegra_release
R32 (release), REVISION: 4.3, GCID: 21589087, BOARD: t210ref, EABI: aarch64, DATE: Fri Jun 26 04:38:25 UTC 2020

Thank you.

What do you see from this:

  • Try to set timezone and save.
  • date
  • ls -l /etc/timezone
  • cat /etc/timezone
  • Now reboot
  • date
  • ls -l /etc/timezone
  • cat /etc/timezone

Basically I am looking for whether this is a hard link file or symbolic link, and whether it shows a change took place, followed by whether the timezone file itself had a change which reverted.

it doesn’t have rtc, does it? you may like to add a battery for rtc consistency probably? On the other hand, the timezone is typically saved;
What are the steps to reproduce the error?
Moreover, I can see that the selected mode is “automatic detection using Internet”
Could you try putting it into the manual mode, please? so that you are able to switch it manually?

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I’ll check it when I go to work on Monday.

Thank you. đź‘Ť


I’ll check it when I go to work on Monday.

Thank you.


Manually, like this

Thank you.


The following is a screen showing that the timezone is reflected in real time when the timezone is set through the time & date gui.

It is a hard link as determined by the ls -l command.
You can check the time zone (the time zone you changed through the gui) with the date command.

Nano, which does not reflect the current timezone, is in a remote location (USA, LA) and cannot be accessed. That nano does not reflect this.
Even if you change the timezone in the GUI, if you check through the date, you will get the unchanged timezone.

Thank you.



It’s a problem one of our clients is facing.

Currently, there is a nano in a remote location (LA, USA) where the timezone is not reflected.

Even if you change the timezone in the GUI, if you check through the date, you will get the unchanged timezone.

It’s not a problem with all Nanos
I would like to cross-check Nvidia for similar symptoms. I think it could be Ubuntu’s problem.

Thank you.

Is that nano connected to external internet? Maybe you can check the NTP server.

you can try to set with these commands.

$ sudo timedatectl set-ntp no

$ timedatectl set-time “yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm”

Is the “America/Los_Angeles” not what you want on the Nano? FYI, there are several commands which might change the display of date to your own preferences from a remote system accessing the Nano, but if you log in to the Nano via ssh, what do you see from the “date” command? I would assume it would be based on “America/Los_Angeles” since this is what is in the “/etc/timezone” file. If that file contains “America/Los_Angeles”, but display is something else, then more likely the Nano is losing clock settings, and not the settings for timezone.

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On my Ubuntu desktop

When changing from gui to la timezone to seoul timezone
It is reflected immediately when checking with the date command in the terminal.

Thank you.



In Nano, where the time zone change problem occurs, you can see that the changed time zone is not applied even if you change the timezone in the GUI and check with the date command.

How can I get closer to solving the problem?

Thank you.


Thank you for always leaving good answers. I hope it helps later.

Yes, the time zone that America/Los_Angeles wants is correct. However, from the point of view of the end user, the customer (in case of non-engineer), if the time zone change in the gui is not reflected, there is a possibility of determining that there is a problem, so we try to solve the problem so that the time zone change in the gui is reflected in real time.

Thank you.


Some nanos don’t have trouble setting the timezone.

If I change it in the gui like this:
You can also check the changed timezone through the date command.

It seems necessary to check whether the problem occurs only with one specific nano.

Some nanos don’t have trouble setting the timezone.

If I change it in the gui like this:
You can also check the changed timezone through the date command.

It seems necessary to check whether the problem occurs only with one specific nano.

nvidia staff also ask for cross-check.

Thank you.


Can you tell which file is modified when this gui(Time & Date) is clicked?

Thank you.

Setting time by network does not change timezone. Showing as “America/Los_Angeles” is how the time is displayed, and is unrelated to whether the time is set correctly or incorrectly. If you’ve set as “Korea/Seoul”, then when translating for display of time, adjustments would be made.

If you’ve set this up to display as “Korea/Seoul”, then this would be visible from:
cat /etc/timezone

To clarify, you can set the time right or wrong regardless of whether you are in “America/Los_Angeles” or “Korea/Seoul”. Network time setup does not care about display, it cares about the UCT time. If it is wrong, can you try to edit “/etc/timezone”? Just save a copy of what it is now, and experiment with editing directly with an editor.

Also, each individual user may have clocks or other widgets personally set in the GUI during login. These too are unrelated to what the system setting is, as a user can change display to different timezones depending on preferences.

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i see.
timezone gui is used to display differently.

but display format is also unchanged

what am i supposed to do diplay time correctly.




Reorganize the question.
No. 1 is a nano that changes the time zone well.
No. 2 is a nano that does not change the time zone.

For No. 1, if you execute the date command after changing the time zone, seoul time will appear

In number 2, if you execute the date command after changing the time zone, the time of la is displayed.

If this happens when massflashing the nano, I’m trying to fix it by judging that it may be confusing to the user.

In the case of nano 2, how do I set the timezone in the gui and then display the time of the timezone set through the date command?

Thanks for always good answers.

Thank you.

Thank you.


After following it, the time will change if you set it manually after turning off ntp.

Thank you.