USB2 not working on Jetson TX2t

  1. USB_VBUS_EN0 - A17
  3. USB0_ID_IO_CONN - A36
  4. host mode

What is “OUT” ? A always-on power source?

Could you ask the hardware engineer to measure the EN pin on the load switch and see if it didn’t enable when you hit error case?

Just a reminder. Attach your dmesg as a text file instead of copy and paste.

Its not always on. It depends on the enable value of the pin.

Hi Wayne,
Any thoughts about what can i change in the tree so the usb2 will be enable on boot ?

How about you finish answering all the questions first…

log_output.txt (59.5 KB)
Yes i will ask him when he will be available.
He also said that dts that i sent you above is 90% finished. I remind you that the only problem is that usb2 should be unplug and re-plug in order for it to work


I don’t know what does that mean 90% here… A device tree is only correct or not correct… There is nothing called 90%…

The EN pin value needs to be checked first.

Also, if you want the usb2 to be host mode only, then you don’t need to write it in xudc node.

I ask the hw engieer. He saw you question and says that the enable pin is related to usb componenet in the tx2. He says that the tx2 control the enable pin

Yes…that is why I need to someone on your side to check if this pin is really enabled during boot up… If it dose not, it means the software side on this one has problem…

Also, please refer to the documentation here to configure your device tree.

The EN pin is working, We verify it. The problem is that usb is not working when usb is connect with something during power up. I need to unplug and re-plug it again in order it to work. The question is why?

Same problem

The log says your micro usb port is enabled as device mode in the boot. That is the reason.

[ 1.559222] tegra-xudc-new 3550000.xudc: device mode on: 0
[ 1.559235] tegra-xudc-new 3550000.xudc: active: 0 => 1

Thank you!
so where/how can i change it ?

I already posted the document in previous comment. You and your team should read.

Can you guide me what value should i add/change? I found the parameters of: 3550000.

Wayne can you help me with something?
i modify the device tree and i want to check it. ( tegra186-quill-p3310-1000-c03-00-base.dtb)
Does has a command to update the existing device tree? (e.g: from host bootloader to jetson /boot)
Things i did, changing the extlinux.conf from INITRD /boot/initrd to FDT /boot/tegra186-quill-p3310-1000-c03-00-base.dtb. but i dont want to modified it from the os (on runtime)

Any advice?

Is this still an issue to support? Any result can be shared? Thanks

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