@ltorabi @Hammad_M I’ve installed isaacsim docker on my ubuntu server and start using ./isaac-sim.headless.websocket.sh --allow-root
. However, the web client shows black screen. The log shows iaac sim headless is loaded. What’s the problem?
[13.756s] [ext: omni.kit.window.stats-0.1.0] startup
[13.775s] [ext: omni.isaac.sim.base-2021.2.1] startup
[13.775s] [ext: omni.services.streaming.manager-0.1.1] startup
[13.792s] [ext: omni.kit.livestream.websocket-2.0.17] startup
2022-04-05 13:49:52 [13,752ms] [Warning] [omni.livestream-websocket.plugin] Starting websocket server on :8899 port.
2022-04-05 13:49:52 [13,753ms] [Warning] [omni.livestream-websocket.plugin] WebSocket server listening on port 8899
2022-04-05 13:49:52 [13,753ms] [Warning] [omni.livestream-websocket.plugin] Streaming server started.
[13.823s] [ext: omni.isaac.sim.headless.base-2021.2.1] startup
[13.823s] [ext: omni.services.streamclient.websocket-1.2.1] startup
[13.939s] [ext: omni.isaac.sim.headless.websocket-2021.2.1] startup
[13.939s] app started
[45.876s] Isaac Sim Headless Websocket App is loaded.
[2022-04-05 13:50:30] [connect] WebSocket Connection v13 "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:98.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/98.0" / 101
2022-04-05 13:50:30 [51,636ms] [Warning] [omni.livestream-websocket.plugin] Opening connection: "" (1 total)
2022-04-05 13:50:30 [51,794ms] [Warning] [omni.livestream-websocket.plugin]
NVENC: found 2 CUDA device(s):
-------- -- --------------------
active 0 Tesla V100-PCIE-32GB
1 Tesla V100-PCIE-32GB
-------- -- --------------------
2022-04-05 13:50:30 [51,938ms] [Warning] [omni.livestream-websocket.plugin] Encode settings:
2022-04-05 13:50:30 [51,938ms] [Warning] [omni.livestream-websocket.plugin] bitrate = 32777216
2022-04-05 13:50:30 [51,938ms] [Warning] [omni.livestream-websocket.plugin] iframe_interval = 1
[2022-04-05 13:50:44] [control] Control frame received with opcode 8
2022-04-05 13:50:44 [66,062ms] [Warning] [omni.livestream-websocket.plugin] Closing connection: ""
2022-04-05 13:50:44 [66,062ms] [Warning] [omni.livestream-websocket.plugin] Connection closed: "" (0 remaining)
[2022-04-05 13:50:44] [disconnect] Disconnect close local:[1001] remote:[1001]
[2022-04-05 13:50:46] [connect] WebSocket Connection v13 "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:98.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/98.0" / 101