WebSocket streaming, client not found

Hi everbody,

I am trying to run a remote headless instance of isaac-sim and then connect to it using a broswer via websocket transport. However when i try to connect to: http://<ip address>:8211/streaming/client the server responds with a 404 not found.

The container runs seamingly fine and procudes:

[53.916s] RTX ready
[53.959s] Isaac Sim Headless Websocket(Deprecated) App is loaded.

at the end.

A few things about my setup:

  • I am running on a server vm using a A100 GPU. I know that this GPU does not support NVENC so I am using the H264 software encoder version of the websocket transport. Are there any plans on enabling this for webrtc based streaming?
  • I have checked that the correspoding ports are open. I can also connect to the webrtc based client without any stream however, which is probably due to the missing NVENC on the GPU
  • I am running /isaac-sim:2023.1.0-hotfix.1

Based on the missing NVENC in the A100 are there any plans on supporting the A100 with Omniverse any further?

Any help is greatly appreciated
Best regards

EDIT: I have just checked, the issue persists with version 2023.1.1

Hi @andre.gilerson1 - Did you get a chance to read the document? WebSocket is deprecated in Isaac Sim 2023.1.0

HI @rthaker Yes I have seen t his, however generally deprecated means this will be removed in the future, as is noted in the Warning. Since this is the only way for me to utilize isaac-sim on the A100 as far as I understand, and websocket transport is only supposed to be removed in the 2024 release I would be very interested to get it working. The Question still remains, on what the Plans are for supporting the A100 with future Omniverse/Isaac releases?

@andre.gilerson1 I have the same problem with connecting to server with A100 via websocket, have you found a solution?

@tttonyalpha Sorry for the late response, no I have not. I have downgraded my isaac sim version to still have websocket support.

@andre.gilerson1 Thanks, I solved this problem using streaming via h264 websocket in Isaac 2022.2.1

Are you using workstation version? I want to use web socket, I will downgrade too, if it works for workstation version. I was trying with Omniverse streaming client, I am failing for unknown reason. Not sure if Omniverse streaming client is supported or not.

I am using the regular container version. I followed this tutorial https://docs.omniverse.nvidia.com/isaacsim/latest/installation/install_container.html

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Happy to know it is not enterprise version. I am struggling to work with Omniverse Streaming client. All ports are assigned but no communication established.

If you want to launch Streaming on A100 and other partially supported gpu you can check some of my notes: GitHub - tttonyalpha/isaac_sim_notes: Some of my notes on NVIDIA Isaac Sim


@tttonyalpha Many thanks! You wrote it so elaborately. Everyone need this page before wasting time.

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