What is the reason the CPU core has dropped from 8 to 4?

While receiving images of four FLIR cameras, the CPU cores fall from eight to four during storage.

"JETSON CLOCK.“Sh” was executed. But it didn’t improve.

my tegrastats

RAM 4165/15690MB (lfb 12x4MB) SWAP 0/7845MB (cached 0MB) CPU [40%@2265,30%@2265,21%@2265,49%@2265,20%@2265,17%@2265,23%@2265,18%@2265] EMC_FREQ 0% GR3D_FREQ 0% AO@27.5C GPU@29C iwlwifi@34C Tboard@29C Tdiode@30.75C AUX@29.5C CPU@30.5C thermal@29.65C PMIC@100C GPU 309/443 CPU 3706/1834 SOC 2936/2847 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 308/234 SYS5V 3651/3590
RAM 4168/15690MB (lfb 12x4MB) SWAP 0/7845MB (cached 0MB) CPU [39%@2265,23%@2265,30%@2265,36%@2265,14%@2265,21%@2265,25%@2265,36%@2265] EMC_FREQ 0% GR3D_FREQ 20% AO@27.5C GPU@29C iwlwifi@33C Tboard@29C Tdiode@30.75C AUX@29C CPU@31C thermal@29.8C PMIC@100C GPU 463/443 CPU 4167/1838 SOC 2935/2847 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 308/234 SYS5V 3691/3590
RAM 4165/15690MB (lfb 14x4MB) SWAP 0/7845MB (cached 0MB) CPU [33%@2265,20%@2265,20%@2265,17%@2265,16%@2265,15%@2265,19%@2265,13%@2265] EMC_FREQ 0% GR3D_FREQ 10% AO@27.5C GPU@29C iwlwifi@33C Tboard@29C Tdiode@30.75C AUX@29C CPU@30C thermal@29.3C PMIC@100C GPU 463/443 CPU 3397/1841 SOC 2936/2847 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 308/234 SYS5V 3651/3590
RAM 4166/15690MB (lfb 14x4MB) SWAP 0/7845MB (cached 0MB) CPU [29%@2265,10%@2265,100%@2265,11%@2265,11%@2265,95%@2265,94%@2265,5%@2265] EMC_FREQ 0% GR3D_FREQ 0% AO@27.5C GPU@29C iwlwifi@33C Tboard@29C Tdiode@30.5C AUX@29.5C CPU@31.5C thermal@29.75C PMIC@100C GPU 308/443 CPU 6786/1851 SOC 2778/2847 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 154/234 SYS5V 3611/3590
RAM 4166/15690MB (lfb 14x4MB) SWAP 0/7845MB (cached 0MB) CPU [29%@2265,8%@2265,100%@2265,9%@2265,7%@2265,100%@2265,100%@2265,8%@2265] EMC_FREQ 0% GR3D_FREQ 0% AO@27.5C GPU@29C iwlwifi@33C Tboard@29C Tdiode@30.75C AUX@29.5C CPU@31.5C thermal@29.75C PMIC@100C GPU 308/443 CPU 7095/1861 SOC 2777/2847 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 154/234 SYS5V 3611/3590

Jetsons have a number of power profiles designed to keep the Jetson within a given power range. Some of the modes for conserving power will cut back on the number of cores available (at least until a mode with more cores is enabled). “jetson_clocks” only maximizes within a given power model.

If you run this, and then “jetson_clocks”, then you’ll have absolutely max performance:

sudo nvpmodel -m 0
sudo jetson_clocks

(note that in some earlier releases the location of the command file may be in a home directory instead of one of the default search bin directories)