What's default AGX Xavier'username and password for JP4.4 'ubuntu 18.06

I can’t login the ubuntu 18.04 with nvidia/nvidia or ubuntu/ ubuntu

If you install JetPack on AGX Xavier with SDK Manager,
you should make account/password after the first boot.
Did you see the Xavier’s boot step with HDMI connected monitor?

I just connect the Xavier device by serial .
this is serial console, I don’t know the username and password:

I don’t find the related step in this pdf.

thanks for your advice, i try to connect monitor with HDMI

pdf link:


When you install JetPack first on your Jetson, you need a HDMI monitor connection with Jetson.
At the first Jetson boot, you may do following job:
1 accept the EULA license
2. language, keyboard and time zone configuration
3. choose an username/password1_oVg_VCmYNhxvRBaxZGrt5A


thanks! I re-install os and successfully create username and password as your advice