When Maya Connect SDK avalable

We are delevoping our rigging system inside Maya and Houdini
but I can’t export any custon attribute for our rigging system for now

Hello @jiucao! Our Maya Connector is available now! Here is a link to our documentation. Maya Connectors — Omniverse Connect documentation

Can you give us more information on what you are experiencing so that we can help troubleshoot the problem? Do you have any console errors? Can you attached a copy of your logs?

To get logs for connectors: C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Documents\Omniverse\<CONNECTORNAME>
To get logs from Omniverse: C:\Users\<USERNAME>\.nvidia-omniverse\logs

I had solve it
sometime you need clean CC3 model’s Blendshape and reRigging
otherwise, it will not write any SkleAnimation data into USD file

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