Where to find Pick and Place controller in Action Graph list? Has it been removed in 4.5.0 in favour of scripting this controller?

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Attempting to create a basic pick and place program but there’s no PickPlace controller in action graph?

Apologies if this has been answered but I’m following the tutorials and from 4.2.0 to 4.5.0, the Pick and Place tutorial changed from using action graph to scripting. Is this the new norm? Or is it possible to continue using the action graph for Pick and Place tasks? Many of the online tutorials (outside of Nvidia) use the PickPlace action graph but it does not exist in Isaac Sim 4.5.0. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

4.2.0 tutorial: OmniGraph: Pick-and-Place Controller Node — Isaac Sim Documentation

4.5.0 tutorial: ??

Thanks for the help!

Thank you for bringing up this question about the Pick-and-Place controller in Isaac Sim 4.5.0.

The Pick-and-Place node has indeed been removed in version 4.5.0. The primary reason for its removal is that it was not particularly generalizable across different robots, grippers, and setups. Configuring the node to work often required significant customization, and many users ultimately opted to write their nodes or scripts to better suit their specific needs.

If the node worked well for your use case and you’d like to continue using it, you can manually bring it into 4.5.0 by copying all the relevant files from version 4.2.0. Specifically, you’ll need both the .ogn and .py files associated with the Pick-and-Place node. Once copied into the same extension structure as before, the node should appear in 4.5.0.

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This is really helpful and good to know. Thanks for the info! I owe you my life