I’m a bit confused by the Jetson Nano developer’s kit schematics. The developer’s kit has one HDMI connector labelled J39 and one DisplayPort connector labelled J6 (both stacked on one single part). But on the schematics it shows this:
On the image we can see J39 (the HDMI connector) on top, but then there’s J6A and J6B. J6A has the same HDMI signals as J39 and only 19 pins (as an HDMI connector). J6B has the 20-pin DisplayPort format.
As the J39 + J6A are labelled “Co-layout”, I assume they’re just the same and that I should simply disconsider J6A. But I’d like to confirm before I proceed.
Why there is J39, J6A and J6B, and not just simply J39 and J6?
Thanks for your help!