Windows Server 2008 R2, S1070 and NVIDIA Drivers

Drivers for the S1070, version 197.03, were installed on a Windows Server 2008 R2 operating system. Only the OS and these drivers are installed on the computer with the S1070 attached to the computer. When I go to: Start > Control Panel , and then click on NVIDIA Control Panel, the NVIDIA Control Panel will not open. I’ve tried several times with no luck. Is this normal? Anyone know what could be causing the NVIDIA Control Panel not to open? Any suggestions would be helpful and I thank you in advance.

Did you get the Tesla drivers from [url=“Official Drivers | NVIDIA”]Official Drivers | NVIDIA ??

Thats the only place we recommend getting production drivers for Tesla.

Get the latest driver - it will be the TCC driver for Windows.

I actually did get the drivers from the NVIDIA site. I apologize, but, I’m not clear what TCC is the acronym for. So, for the S1070 and Windows Server 2008 R2, what driver should I be using? The 197.03 or some other driver? I now see that CUDA 3.1 has been released.

I actually did get the drivers from the NVIDIA site. I apologize, but, I’m not clear what TCC is the acronym for. So, for the S1070 and Windows Server 2008 R2, what driver should I be using? The 197.03 or some other driver? I now see that CUDA 3.1 has been released.

yup - latest release driver is 197.03.…97.03_whql.html

This is the TCC driver for Windows (see release notes).

There should be a new driver for Tesla coming within a few days (for CUDA 3.1)

yup - latest release driver is 197.03.…97.03_whql.html

This is the TCC driver for Windows (see release notes).

There should be a new driver for Tesla coming within a few days (for CUDA 3.1)