About latest method of installing Jetpack on SSD(NVMe)

I want to install Jetpack on an SSD (NVMe), build the software and then be able to replicate the whole SSD.
The environment I am using is Xavier NX and I will use Jetpack version 4.6 or later(~5.1).

When researching how to install Jetpack on an SSD (NVMe), I have found a lot of information, some of thease are looks old information, and I’m confusing.
The following link is the latest official one, but the procedure is a bit complicated.
And some information seems to be missing, such as what <env-var> indicates in the command.

The question is below.
Is it possible to reproduce the same procedure as in the manual above using only the Nvidia SDK Manager?

Hi mutsuyuki,

Are you using the devkit or custom board?

Please just follow the steps from official documentation first.

<env-var> is the parameter for different models and is not necessary in this case.
If you don’t assign these parameters, it would just extract them from EEPROM.
There’s also the example command in the link you just refer to.
If you want to know more about the usage of l4t_initrd_flash.sh, you could also refer to the Linux_for_Tegra/tools/kernel_flash/README_initrd_flash.txt.

If you are using the devkit, you could use SDKM to flash into NVMe SSD.

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