However, this integration can be done with ROS2 typical installation in the system:
Isaac Sim simulation exposes the /joint_states and /joint_command topics through an OmniGraph.
The move_group node listens to /joint_states.
The moveit_simple_controller manager talks to the ros2_controller, which uses both /joint_states and /joint_command through the topic_based_ros2_controlHardware Component.
I cannot find what is the reason of using Docker in this case. Is it the ease of reproduction? Are we missing something if we don’t follow the Docker approach?
It would be great if someone could explicitly clarify this.
Did you try integrating Isaac Sim and MoveIt2 without a docker?
I am using Isaac Sim 4.2.0 now, and the official MoveIt2 tutorial won’t work.
I got the following error.
/root/ws_moveit/install/moveit_ros_move_group/lib/moveit_ros_move_group/move_group: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Did you try integrating Isaac Sim and MoveIt2 without a docker?
Yes, I was successful in doing so by following the strategy presented in my comment above. Unfortunately, there is no tutorial that reproduces that AFAIK. I also cannot provide a pointer to my example.
Your error seems related to the SRDF you are providing to MoveIt. However, following the tutorials should not give you any errors.