AGX Orin unable to boot after flasing

Hello, I have a trouble with flashing jetpack to AGX Orin.

Our team purchased Jetson AGX Orin 32GB production module(p3737-0000-p3701-0004) which came with jetpack 5.1.
After running some demos, I decided to upgrade to jetpack 6.1.
I installed SDK Manager to Ubuntu 22.04 and flashed jetpack normally.
But at the step SDKM asks an ip address of the jetson, it re-entered to recovery mode(0955:7223) instead of showing an ubuntu setup screen.
Now the jetson unable to boot, not even the UEFI screen appears.
Tried changing the host computer, using ubuntu 20.04, flasing another jetpack version(5.1.2, 5.1.4), another usb cable, but none of them worked.

How can I diagnose and fix it?
Here is a flash log. (222.5 KB)

If the device cannot be flashed/booted, please refer to the page to get uart log from the device:
Jetson/General debug -
And get logs of host PC and Jetson device for reference. If you are using custom board, you can compare uart log of developer kit and custom board to get more information.
Also please check FAQs:
Jetson AGX Orin FAQ
If possible, we would suggest follow quick start in developer guide to re-flash the system:
Quick Start — NVIDIA Jetson Linux Developer Guide 1 documentation
And see if the issue still persists on a clean-flashed system.

If the device cannot be flashed/booted, please refer to the page to get uart log from the device:
Jetson/General debug -
And get logs of host PC and Jetson device for reference.

I considered logging via UART, but my jetson does not have a micro usb port.
Nor does a TTY device appear when connected to the host PC via the usb-c port.
Since this is not a devkit, is UART available?

If you are using custom board, you can compare uart log of developer kit and custom board to get more information.

This should be a reference carrier board(p3737)

Also please check FAQs:
Jetson AGX Orin FAQ

I cannot enter UEFI menu.

If possible, we would suggest follow quick start in developer guide to re-flash the system:
Quick Start — NVIDIA Jetson Linux Developer Guide 1 documentation
And see if the issue still persists on a clean-flashed system.

I tried some configurations with sdkm and, but not worked.


The device might have RXD and TXD pins for capturing UART logs.

Since it is not a development kit, our SDK Manager is unable to successfully flash the device. Please contact the vendor for assistance with the customized BSP.


The device might have RXD and TXD pins for capturing UART logs.

Okay I’ll try.

Since it is not a development kit, our SDK Manager is unable to successfully flash the device.

I’m still not sure that then why does sdkm allow flashing to p3701-0004?
I thought this device should be supported by sdkm as it has official carrier board and was detected as agx orin 32gb properly…

Please contact the vendor for assistance with the customized BSP.

I see.

It turned out that the jetson was from seeedstudio, thus it seems to have a custom carrier board.
I’m going to flash with the vendor’s bsp.
I’ll come back to report the result.
Thanks for your support.

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After all this was a seedstudio product.
I’ve successfully flashed the vendor bsp and jetson now boots!
Thank you all.

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Glad to hear it!