And when I try to reflash the module ,it also doesn’t work. Help!!!
Any flashing log or serial console log during re-flashing to provide here? The three pictures you posted basically told nothing at all.
Also, please don’t put any log as a picture here; it’s cropped out and hard to read. Always use a text file.
Thanks for your reply. I will organize the log files and upload them later.
jetson-agx-xavier.txt (1.6 KB)
Here comes more details.
It still does not help…
What exactly is your issue now?
Can you please just put the full log instead of cropping them?
What is your workflow when using SDK Manager?
I have tried to use SDK-Manger again to flash, but I also encountered difficulties:
-question 1 :
Default ip is not avaliable. Please make sure the default ip is shown in ip addr, or use a customer ip instead
-question 2 :
Not exactly one NVIDIA Jetson device is connected with USB. For using default IPv4 address, please connect exactly one Jetson device.
-question 3 :
Cannot connect to the device via SSH. Check the user name and password, and make sure that SSH service is running on the device. (148.6 KB)
Fine,I found it. And when I reflash, the screen has the word。“nvme 000:01:00.0 Oxdead2003 reset controller”. Thank u for you r patient.
looks like the system is flashed into the internal eMMC instead of the NVMe drive.
Are you sure you did the right steps in SDK Manager?
Can you try with a different NVMe drive?
Also, is there any reason you have to use 4.6.2?
Otherwise, we would always suggest using the latest version, which is 5.1.2 for now.
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