AGX Xavier with Jetpack 5.0.1 dp configured as pcie endpoint doesnt boot

i am trying to upgrade a setup of two nvidia xavier to jetpack 5.0.1 dp.
They shall connected via pcie so i configured one as pcie endpoint.

When i flash the Xavier with the ODMDATA set to 0x09191000 the Xavier does not boot anymore.
Is this mode not supported anymore or not by the development preview or whats going on?

Kind regards,

Issue should be fixed on JetPack 5.0 GA version. Thanks

okay… but a bummer for me…
i want to do ROS2 stuff which needs ubuntu 20.04 at least to run out of the box,
so I need jetpack 5.0… any ideas when it will be released? Still 2H-2022 or more precise?

Please refer to Jetson Roadmap | NVIDIA Developer

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