Announcing Jetson TX2 NX

is this module compatible with the Jetson Nano 4GB Carrier Board (B02)?

There is no plan to support using Jetson TX2 NX with the Nano devkit carrier board.

Comparing the PINs looking quite similar to me on first sight.

True, and pin-compatibility is an important feature for OEMs who already have a Jetson Nano based product. They can support the new module as a “next step” upgrade with their existing carrier board via BSP changes.

NVIDIA supports development with Jetson TX2 NX on the Jetson Xavier NX devkit carrier board. That reference carrier board is a great way for mass-market OEMs to start development with Jetson TX2 NX while preparing their own custom carrier board.

For hobbyists, we feel the Jetson Xavier NX Developer Kit at $399 offers a compelling alternative as-is. Jetson Xavier NX has 20X the performance of Jetson Nano, and the devkit includes Wi-Fi, a power supply, and an NVMe connector.