I’ve tried audio2face headless mode from http://localhost:8011/docs# on my previous computer and was working fine. However when I switch to another PC and try to do the same thing. I could successfully do /status, /A2F/USD/Load, /A2F/Player/SetRootPath and /A2F/Player/GetCurrentTrack.
However when I tried A2F/Exporter/ExportBlendshapes. I got Error: Internal Server Error. When I looked at the prompt it shows
raise og.OmniGraphError(f"Failed to get prim on node '{prim_id}'")
omni.graph.core._impl.errors.OmniGraphError: OmniGraphError: Failed to get prim on node '/World/male/char_male_model_hi/c_headWatertight_hi'
I could finish the exact same thing on the previous computer.
I would like to narrow this problem down a little. My current guess is, on this computer I’m having problem enable the nucleus local host, that could be a potential issue. But I’m not sure if this is the correct reason since I could do other curl call as mentioned before.
Thanks in advance for any suggestion on what I need to look into!