I also have my blendshape animation into audio2face that i’ve exported as a json file. Now, I just have to put this blendshape animation into my character in maya.
But the script used in the tutorial doesn’t work and I can’t figure out why.
firstly, thank you very much for your answer, this is my third topic and this is the third time that I have an answer quickly !
1/4 I have the same issue
I’ve to admit, I’m really bad with python
3 i don’t think, if i understand, my blendshape’s names are
“browLowerL” “browLowerR”…, If you don’t speak about that then I’m sorry I don’t use Maya, this is one of my first try.
But, in the tutorial, the guy has the same blendshape. I’ve also tried to remove "bsnode+‘.’’ but I still have an issue
I would also point out that I import my character in Maya as a .fbx,
I’ve exported from audio2face the usdskell that contain the blendshapes and from that, i’ve created a file .fbx that I’m using, I don’t import the .usd in Maya
Hi @celeber12, I see some python indentation/space faults in the code. maybe try copy-paste of this one?
You can also download the sample code from your localhost, if you’ve installed the nucleus server. http://localhost:8080/omniverse://
import json
import maya.cmds as mc
with open (r'F:\a2f\tst\aya1\a2f_bs_weights.json', 'r') as f:
facs_data = json.loads(f.read())
facsNames = facs_data[“facsNames”]
numPoses = facs_data[“numPoses”]
numFrames = facs_data[“numFrames”]
weightMat = facs_data[“weightMat”]
bsnode = 'blendShape1'
for fr in range(numFrames) :
for i in range(numPoses):
mc.setKeyframe(bsnode+'.'+facsNames[i], v=weightMat[fr][i], t=fr)
Don’t mean to revive an old thread, but is there a tutorial for 3ds max using the Morpher from the modifier list rather than importing the USB geometry cache file format?
@cgjd18, no we dont’ have 3ds max one at the moment unfortunately. But the approach should be the similar to the maya one, just use the morph instead of blendshape and 3ds max script instead of maya script.