Autoware Auto Installation on AGX Xavier

Hi everyone;

I am working on Nvidia Jetson AGX development kit for autonomous vehicle application. For such applications, I want to install Autoware Auto on my device. However, when I analyze the Autoware Auto installation and software dependencies pages, I see that it requires ROS2 Foxy distribution and because of that, it also requires Ubuntu 20.04. On the other hand, as of now, the Jetson AGX does not support Ubuntu 20.04. In some posts, I saw that the ROS2 Foxy distrubition can be installed with dockerfile on Ubuntu 18.04. But, I again saw that the ROS2 with docker does not support some fundamental properties like rviz.

Can you give me any idea about that what I can do. Should I install the ROS2 with docker, will I face some problems like rviz usage?


Hi @fatih.otonom, by default the Dockerfile is setup to build ros_base. You can change this to ros_desktop on this line:

I haven’t tried building the full desktop package, so you may find you need to install some addition dependencies in the Dockerfile (although my understanding is that rosdep should take care of these)