Battery for Xavier NX

Could anyone recommend a good battery (and charger) to use for the Xavier NX?

edit to add: Dev kit, not module.


Hope someone has such experience can be shared. In general, the power supply of 5V @ 15W should fit the request.

You may try this one, which output 5v 3A.

You probably also need this USB 2.0 to 5.5 x 2.5mm DC 5V to connect battery to NX.

Just make sure don’t buy the wrong cable as many on Amazon are for 5.5 x 2.1mm, which is not for Xavier NX.

Uhm, the NX devkit carrier board needs 9-20V. You can’t power it with 5V and the 5V pins on the 40-pin header will only PROVIDE power, not accept it.

Thanks @gtj, I don’t think a 5V usb supply will cut it. Maybe @Colin and @Trumany were thinking of the module? I am talking about powering the dev kit.

Thanks everyone for the replies.

You’re right. I have a NX module on Nano B01 board, which works with 5V battery. I didn’t realize the NX dev kit is 19v. Thanks for the info.

I am thinking either something like this:

or this:

or, for a ready made solution, something like this:

Any thoughts?
Thinking probably better to go with a 4S battery or find a 5S one. I will keep searching

I went with a talentcell rechargeable 12v battery pack for my project.
Works for me. Don’t have to add a charger or on/off switch, monitor. Comes with a cord to plug in your nx @ 12v 6A. A 9v 1A & 5v usb 2A outputs are also there for other things. You can run in high power mode fine.


Could you explain how to use this with the Jetson?

@justin7 are you using the Xavier NX dev board? If so, that battery linked above comes with all necessary cables. Use the 12v output on the battery to supply the Xavier Nx.

Yup the Xavier NX dev kit. And oh wow ok so before I was going to have get the LiPo battery, a balancing charger, a connector(Xt60 - 2.5mmx5.5mm), and low voltage monitor. You’re saying I wouldnt really need any of those anymore? How has it worked for you so far? (sorry for all the questions)

@justin7 as long as you are talking about this one

Yes, it works fairly well - not as great as a high end lipo with a good charger, but it gets the job done.

Other downside is it is a little bulkier and a fair amount heavier than the lipo solutions.

Make sure to read the instructions- some quirks like power switch has to be on for charging to work. Also know which port is for charging, etc.

-Definitely nice to have an all in one type solution.
-other ports can power peripherals like a small monitor
-comes with all the cables you need

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yea thats the one. Thank you so much… all this is very useful, I appreciate it.


The power input (barrel jack) for the Xavier NX requires between 10 - 19 vdc, not 5 vdc as you have stated.


How has this Li-Ion battery pack worked out for you in respect to its life span?
Many complaints on Amazon say that the battery was DOA or would not hold a full charge after a couple of charge cycles.


How has this Li-Ion battery pack worked out for you in respect to its life span?
Many complaints on Amazon say that the battery was DOA or would not hold a full charge after a couple of charge cycles.