I’m looking for the substance painter to omniverse create workflow so that you an import the model with all of the materials already hooked up. Exporting the mesh as an fbx from substance doesn’t appear to embed the materials into the fbx. Usually I export my materials separately. I thought if they were simply in the same folder as the fbx it might find them, but it still looks like it all has to be manually reconnected in create.
Another workaround i found was import it into maya then re export with materials embedded. but there’s gotta be a better way.
I also tried using the USD export from substance painter, but it provides a .usdz and .usdc both of which maya can’t open.
Any suggestions?
Hello @justifun! Welcome to the Community!
Currently, we do not have a Substance Painter connector available yet, but we do have documentation and some helpful videos on how you can use Substance Painter with Omniverse.
I hope that this helps answer your questions. If not, just let me know and I will get more information to you!
I’ve watched that video and all it says is “Make sure your two programs are all synced up and your materials are setup” or something along those lines… which was the part i’m actually looking for.