I have a Jetson AGX Orin device and I want to flash rt-kernel to it. Actually I did it but when I flashed it, it was boot up but with black screen problem. I know the solution for black screen but I can not login to Orin. How can I do that? When I plugged in Orin to host device (Ubuntu 20.04) via micro Usb, I can not connect. I can not see “ls /dev/tty*” output in terminal. There is no ttyACM* or ttyUSB*. How can I connect Orin for login device and fix black screen?
Moving to Jetson agx orin forum
Hi mchdaybkk,
Are you using the devkit or custom board for AGX Orin?
What’s your Jetpack version in use?
How did you do this? Could you help to provide the detail steps and any flash log for further check?
Have you referred to the following instruction to get serial console log?
NVIDIA Jetson Orin - Serial Console - RidgeRun Developer Connection
You might need to power on the board and the /dev/ttyACM0
showed in the terminal of your host PC.
I did use debug ports on Orin to use login screen. I could not get any information when I plugged to host device via USB channel. When I changed connection type to debug port which was the debug port on Orin, I did connected to Orin, successfully. So, when I restart Orin while connected to host device via debug port, I could get terminal on the host machine. Login Orin, then “sudo depmod -a” then restart. Successful.
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