On the JetPack 5.0 Developer Preview, trying to launch Visual Studio Code yields no results unless the --no-sandbox. Even --disable-gpu appended doesn’t result in a launch.
Trying to launch a (non-snap) Chromium build too results in:
NvRmMemInitNvmap failed with No such file or directory
546: Memory Manager not supported
****NvRmMemInit failed**** error type: 196626
Error: Can't initialise nvrm channel
This is compounded with stack smashing errors, but those might be unrelated as they show up with --no-sandbox too.
try snapless chromium bash <( curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cobalt2727/L4T-Megascript/master/helper.sh ) "scripts/snapless-chromium.sh"
this script will disable sandbox and use vulkan and install snapless chromium