Isaac Sim Version
Operating System
Windows 11
GPU Information
- Model: RTX 3080Ti
Topic Description
Detailed Description
I am trying to create a combined Robot (Wheeled Robot + Franka).
I am facing issues with using the inbuilt controllers (WheelBasePoseController for now).
I am following the CORE API tutorial method so I simply created a new entry for omni.isaac.examples.
Could you please tell me what are the different things that I need to ensure for something like this to worK?
Error Messages
(If applicable, copy and paste any error messages you received)
Sometimes it is not able to identify one of the wheel joints.
Sometimes, the robot does not stop at the goal position and keeps moving indefinately.
Additional Information
What I’ve Tried
(Describe any troubleshooting steps you’ve already taken)
I have tried the following:
- Created a USD file with Franka and Wheeled Robot under the main XForm
- Franka
- WheeledRobot)
- Created a USD with Franka and Wheeled Robot directly under main XForm
- franka prims’
- wheeled robot prims)
- Tried to import Franka and Wheeled Robot and create a joint through code (my position and rotation values may be wrong).