CUDA Installation fails even when unchecking VS Integration

I am trying to install CUDA 11 on Windows 10 but it keeps failing. Alot of posts I found online with this problem said to install without checking PhysX and VS Integration. I’ve tried doing that and it still fails

I’ve also tried to install the standard VGA driver by going to “Display Adapter” → “browse my computer for driver software” → "let me pick… " → “show compatiable hardware” → “standard display type” → next → restart windows. I also deleted all NVIDIA files from C:\ProgramData, C:\ProgramFiles, C:\ProgramFiles(x86)

can anyone help?

no one can help?

In my case, CUDA toolkit was not compatible with the NVIDIA driver version. I downgraded the toolkit version to match my driver setting and it worked.

You can find the compatibility details in the release notes:

And here: