CUDA ToolKit 11.8 installation Failed at the Nsight Visual Studio Edition, Windows 11


When I tried to install CUDA toolkit version 11.8 (cuda_11.8.0_522.06_windows), it always failed at the Nsight Visual Studio Edition part. I tried to install NVIDIA_Nsight_Visual_Studio_Edition_Win64_2022.3.0.22269_31854358 separately but it always ended prematurely: NVIDIA Nsight Visual Studio Edition 2022.3.0.22269 Setup Wizard ended prematurely.


My system is Windows 11. Driver version: 526.86.
Thanks in advance!

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Thanks for reaching out with this issue. Could you share what version(s) of Visual Studio you have installed on your system and what GPU you have installed?

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Please try to install the standalone Nsight VSE package from the DevZone Download Center

This will allow you install in non-silent mode.
Hopefully it will install without an issue, but if not, the issue should become apparent.
Let us know how it goes, please.

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I fixed it install Night Visual Studio Edition standalone the first.
Step 1: Chose Custom (advanced)

Step 2: Chose install only NVIDIA VSE:

Step 3: Download all!


This was very helpful. I haven’t seen anyone else with the same issue I had, until I found your post. I am running an RTX 4050 with Windows 11. I would get installation failures with Nsight VSE and Nsight Compute. I was able to get Nsight VSE to install using your tips of unchecking everything else. That solved one HUGE PROBLEM for me. The same technique did not work for the Nsight Compute issue though. For that I had to install the Nsight package from Nvidia and then leave all the development options unchecked.
AT THAT POINT: With the development options installed independently, I was able to SUCCESSFULLY INSTALL Cuda 12.3 using the NVDIA installer using a custom install.
I was able to leave alll the runtime options and other stuff checked off and things went smoothly. It even updated all my PATH options to point to the 12.3 install.
SO THANK YOU VERY MUCH! I had been at this for hours!


Same here with Windows 11 and Toolkit 12.3.
I’ve been going on this since last night. Cuda Toolkit would always error out with about 100 items failed to install.

I deleted everything NVIDIA - about 20 or more items and several reboots - took about 30 minutes. Cleaned the Registry (logging) and it still errored.

I pretty much followed the advice above and got it installed. Drivers only first. Then stepped through it piece at a time till I hit NSight Compute. I got the install file for that from then finished out anything left, but did G-force Experience Last.

PIA that the installer has to expand everything and when done even partially with Custom install, it deletes everything and you have to expand it all again about 10 times.


Thanks all for the input ! Please let us know if you still have issues about installation. We’ll try our best to help !

I faced similar issue. I have GPU GeForce RTX3060 laptop. NVIDIA Driver 546.01. I want install cuda_12.3.0_545.84_windows but I give “NVIDIA Installer failed.” massage. At the end I managed to install each component separately through Custom (Advanced) part. But “nsight-compute” failed to install and now I am downloading it. Is it the right and main way to install Cuda?

Hi, @g.poursaffari1

Normally cuda toolkit can be installed by choose “Express”, but in some case, install will fail due to specific environment or conflict with installed/running applications.

Do you already have an Nsight compute installed and try to install again from cuda toolkit ?
Anyway, a workaround for this is to download Nsight compute standalone installer from which I think you already know.

I have the same issue here.
At first, the CUDA installer asked me to install Visual Studio, then I installed VSCode and Visual Studio Community, but the CUDA installer finally failed to install Nsight Compute.
So, I continued to install the standalone version of Nsight Compute and rebooted my computer, but the CUDA installer showed it failed to install Nsight Compute again, which made no sense because I had installed that application already.

Environment and Applications:

  • AMD Ryzen 5900X
  • nVIDIA 3080 Ti
  • Windows 11 Professional 22631
  • CUDA 12.3.1_546.12
  • Visual Studio Community
  • Nsight Compute 2023.3.1.1
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Hi, Eric

If you already have Nsight Compute installed separately, then please uncheck it during CUDA installation.
Choose Custom->Uncheck Nsight Compute


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