deserialization problem using dwDNN_initializeTensorRTFromFileNew on drive software 10

  1. Created a binary file using tensorRT_optimization tool with onnx file

  2. When initialize using dwDNN_initializeTensorRTFromFileNew got error messages below:
    getPluginCreator could not find plugin ResizeNearest version 001 namespace
    Cannot deserialize plugin ResizeNearest

The same onnx file works for drive software 9 using the corresponding tools and APIs. We found that this function is actually in the on drive software 10.

Dear virtuso,
Could you please share the onnx file to reproduce the issue on our side

Sure, please see the attached model.

Dear virtuso,
We found that this function is actually in the on drive software 10

Could you share, how did you verify this?

Firstly, did you verify your model with TensorRT APIs as a TensorRT sample? Let us know if it works without any issue?

egrep -nr “ResizeNearest” under the folder /usr/local/driveworks/lib

We verified the model with TensorRT APIs as a TensorRT sample on host. How do you do that under target?

Dear virtuso,
Could you can cross compile the TensorRT sample for target and link libraries in ld_library_path on board to verify.

Hello SivaRamaKrishna,

Thank you, we will try to cross-compile the TRT sample on to Xavier and verify that the libraries loaded are all present when we load our software as well.
From GTC we got a temporary direction of using tensorRT libraries directly on DriveOS 10, and we’ll check with the TRT sample if we’re able to serialize and de-serialize the onnx model on Xavier