ResizeNearest layer get error on deserialize

Hardware Platform: x86 PC with 2080Ti GPU
Software Version: DRIVE Software 10
Host Machine Version: Ubuntu 18.04
SDK Manager Version: 1.1.0-6343

pytorch version: 1.0.0


I am getting a error when deserialize a model that have ResizeNearest layer.
We can generate the “optimized.bin” file from tensorRT_optimization software. But when we loading the “optimized.bin” file in our software, it showing Cannot deserialize plugin ResizeNearest:

I uploaded the onnx file and the python script for generating the model in the file (945 Bytes)

The same dnn layer works in DriveOS 9.
Could you help us solve this problem?


Dear @qia7r6b,
Could you check Using bin-file after TensorRT optimization

Dear @qia7r6b,
The same issue is discussed in the mentioned thread. Marking this thread as duplicate.