Hi! I’m trying to use shader profiler in my raytracing project but it displays shaders in a strange way. There are multiple passes with different shaders and PSOs in my render pipeline, but ‘Shader Profiler’ window shows list of the one random shader every launch (see first image). It looks like all shaders belong to one PSO or something like that. Is this some kind of bug or am I doing something wrong? From my engine side I can’t catch any mistakes: all PSO are created from unique shader bytecode and shaders have different names. Surprisingly shaders look coorect through ‘Linked Programs’ window (see second image)! I’m using directx 12, win 10, Nv Nsight 2023.2.0.0, driver 536.23, RTX 2070
I have tried different dxc flags ways to compile shader but nothing helped me. Also tooltip shows ‘Multiple shader objects that alias in instruction memory’ but I can’t understant it. How is this possible if every PSO was created from unique shader?