DLSS 3.7.2 ngxParameters->Get(...) returning 0 for any InName


I’m trying to integrate DLSS into personal project and am facing a similar problem as DLSS SDK 2.4.0 NVSDK_NGX_Parameter_SuperSampling_Available FeatureNotFound and DLSS SDK “NVSDK_NGX_Parameter_SuperSampling_Available” returning 0

Executing ngxParameters->Get(…) for NVSDK_NGX_Parameter_SuperSampling_Available returns 0 but e.g. for NVSDK_NGX_Parameter_SuperSampling_MinDriverVersionMajor it returns 0 too (i tried a few other InNames as well, with the same result). There seems to be something wrong with my ngxParameters i guess…

I added all extensions returned by NVSDK_NGX_VULKAN_RequiredExtensions to the instance and device extensions respectively. I initialize NGX using NVSDK_NGX_VULKAN_Init and then do:

  • NVSDK_NGX_VULKAN_AllocateParameters(&ngxParameters);
  • NVSDK_NGX_VULKAN_GetCapabilityParameters(&ngxParameters);
    all these calls return NVSDK_NGX_Result_Sucess

Both the DLSS sample app and Instant-ngp are able to run with DLSS. I guess I am forgetting about something before calling NVSDK_NGX_VULKAN_GetCapabilityParameters(…), but I can’t figure out what it is.

Setup info:

  • DLSS 3.7.20
  • Windows 11
  • GPU: NVIDIA RTX 4090
  • GPU Driver Version: 555.85
  • Vulkan Version: 1.3.275