DLSS Initialize


  • NVIDIA DLSS Super Resolution 3.1.13 SDK
  • Visual Studio 2020 C++20
  • RTX 4080
  • Latest Drivers


as a developer of mods and as a good reverse engineer I was planning on adding DLSS support to Grand Theft Auto V. The RAGE Engine uses D3D11 which should be supported by DLSS from what I read. As of now I am not here to discuss the challenges this task will come along with. I read through the docs and started implementing.

I am compling a DLL which will be loaded afterwards into the game. I am using the static dlss module version.

Currently I am facing an issue where this code fails after the normal init call (NVSDK_NGX_D3D11_Init) succeeds.

The codes is based on the example code from the release on github.

int dlssAvailable = 0;
	NVSDK_NGX_Result ResultDLSS = m_ngxParameters->Get(NVSDK_NGX_Parameter_SuperSampling_Available, &dlssAvailable);
	if (ResultDLSS != NVSDK_NGX_Result_Success)
		// fails


Hi there @Cytox and welcome to the NVIDIA developer forums.

Are you able to run the sample app itself without issues or does it also fail on the SuperSampling check?

That is the first thing to check, If the Demo app fails as well, you should see a lot more verbose information on what went wrong. Running it in debug will give you even more indication on what might be missing.

Other than that I really can’t tell what might be missing on your side.

Do you maybe have a mismatch with an older, still existing installation of the DLSS or Streamline SDK?