Downgrade DRIVE OS 5.2.0 to DRIVE Software 10

To prevent from accidentally bricking the system in using Memtool to flash aurix firmware, below is the prefered steps for downgrading everything to DRIVE Software 10 (also aurix firmware). Thanks.

  1. scp ~/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE_Software_10.0_Linux_OS_DDPX/DRIVEOS/drive-t186ref-linux/targetfs_a/lib/firmware/DRIVE-V5.1.6-E3550-EB-Aurix-With3LSS-ForHyperion-StepA-3.05.04.hex to /lib/firmware/ of target system
  2. $ sudo /bin/bash /etc/systemd/scripts/ -force_update DRIVE-V5.1.6-E3550-EB-Aurix-With3LSS-ForHyperion-StepA-3.05.04.hex
  3. install DRIVE Software 10 with sdkmanager.