DriveWorks API sample_lidar_replay dose not work on Host PC (ubuntu 16.04 w/ driveworks)

We are using drive PX2 chaffuer and recorded lidar data.
After that, We used host PC DriveWorks API sample_ldar_replay and got following errror message.

./sample_lidar_replay: error while loading shared libraries: can not open shared object file: no such file or directory.

how we can resovle it.

Dear Todspaniard,
Can you please check if CUDA installed at /usr/local/cuda. If so, can you please add CUDA libraries to ld_library_path

Hi SivaRamaKrishna,

I am new to NVIDIA DRIVE PX Platform, and today I installed the DriveWorks API files in “user/local/”.

I have the same error rised by this topic. Indeed Cuda 9.0 is installed in user/local/ .
As requested, I added the cuda libraries to the ld_library_path in a nvidia.conf file (even if a cuda-9.0.conf file was already there). I added cuda libraries according to the two ways described there [url]setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH for CUDA - Ask Ubuntu.

Thank your for your help.

Dear Todspaniard,
It looks like CUDA is not setup properly. First please check if exists on your machine using locate command. if so, add it to ld_library_path. if not, Please install nvidia gpu drivers on your ubuntu platform and run any CUDA sample to verify if CUDA is setup correctly later.