Way back in December, I started planning an Orin AGX carrier board design, referencing version 0.2 of the Jetson AGX Orin Series Product Design Guide. Lots of flexibility, seemed like a good fit. I’m looking to replace an existing COM Express Type 7 design which uses 4 10Gbase-KR ports, 1 1000base-T port, 4 USB 3.0 jacks, and 4 PCIe x4 slots. (the 4th PCIe slot would only have 1 lane but that was OK for us.)
I downloaded Design Guide 1.0 a few weeks ago and didn’t notice any changes, but it seems that UPHY configuration was reduced to only three supported configurations, only one of which had more than one 10G port, and it only had 2 PCIE ports (one x1 and one x4). Today I downloaded 1.1 and it dropped that configuration, and now only one 10G port can be used.
Does anyone have any idea what’s going on, or any alternatives? This just trashed our planned system design (we need LOTS of I/O in minimum space and power) and we have to start over from scratch. We really needed those 10G ports (we can live with two but not one).
(At this rate, the development kit may be the only supported configuration by the end of the year.)
We understand that you started development on UPHY based on the preliminary documentation. Though we have removed planned support for Config #3, you can still support multiple 10GbE with Config #2 by using an external chip via PCIe bus.
At least two chips, which are not in stock anywhere, at additional cost and thermal management, none of which are qualified by nVidia, and even then there’s a risk that nVidia will drop support for configuration 2.
The fact that we held out for the Orin over the Xavier precisely because Orin had multiple 10G ports is beside the point, I guess.
We’re looking for high-performance computing with lots of I/O, in a space- and thermally-constrained environment, and the Orin appeared to be a good replacement for the Intel Xeon D15xx-based COM Express Type 7 boards we’ve been using.
Then all the features disappeared.
We’re currently reviewing plans and reevaluating this platform from scratch.
Config #3 was listed in revision 1.0, are you implying that 1.0 was preliminary documentation?
Is 1.1 preliminary as well?
At what revision can we trust that it is final?