Failed to flash Jetson ORIN AGX Developer Kit 32GB using SDK Manager and command line both

Command Used" 30 sudo ./ jetson-agx-orin-devkit mmcblk0p1

[ 9.8968 ] Using ramcode 0
[ 9.8968 ] Disabled BPMP dtb trim, using default dtb
[ 9.8968 ]
[ 9.9012 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x23 0 --align mem_rcm_aligned.bct
[ 9.9053 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x23 0 --magicid MEM0 --ratchet_blob ratchet_blob.bin --appendsigheader mem_rcm_aligned.bct zerosbk
[ 9.9085 ] adding BCH for mem_rcm_aligned.bct
[ 9.9185 ] --key None --list mem_rcm_aligned_sigheader.bct_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --sha sha512
[ 9.9188 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
[ 9.9213 ] Warning: pub_key.key is not found
[ 9.9160 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x23 0 --updatesigheader mem_rcm_aligned_sigheader.bct.encrypt mem_rcm_aligned_sigheader.bct.hash zerosbk
[ 9.9189 ] Copying signatures
[ 9.9211 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x23 0 --partitionlayout flash.xml.bin --updatesig images_list_signed.xml
[ 10.0155 ] mb1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin.encrypt filename is from images_list
[ 10.0163 ] psc_bl1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin.encrypt filename is from images_list
[ 10.0164 ] Boot Rom communication
[ 10.0235 ] tegrarcm_v2 --new_session --chip 0x23 0 --uid --download bct_br br_bct_BR.bct --download mb1 mb1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin.encrypt --download psc_bl1 psc_bl1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin.encrypt --download bct_mb1 mb1_bct_MB1_sigheader.bct.encrypt
Error: Return value 8
Command tegrarcm_v2 --new_session --chip 0x23 0 --uid --download bct_br br_bct_BR.bct --download mb1 mb1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin.encrypt --download psc_bl1 psc_bl1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin.encrypt --download bct_mb1 mb1_bct_MB1_sigheader.bct.encrypt
Failed flashing t186ref.
SDK Manager error : Jetson board is in a bad state and cannot be recovered. Please manually put board to recovery mode again and retry… The Jetson target is in a bad state and cannot be flashed. Please manually put the target into recovery mode and then retry flashing.

Hi himica.khurana,

Are you using standalone Ubuntu 18.04 or 20.04 as your host PC for SDK Manager?

Have you set the devkit into force recovery state before flash?
You could refer to the following instruction to check if it is in force recovery state.
Quick Start — To Determine Whether the Developer Kit Is in Force Recovery Mode

Please also help to provide the full flash log as file here for further check.

Hi Kevin,
Yes, it is recovery mode Bus 001 Device 007: ID 0955:7023 NVIDIA Corp. APX

deepstream-worskpace_SDKM_logs_JetPack_5.0.2_Runtime_(rev._2) (139.2 KB)
deepstream-worskpace_SDKM_logs_JetPack_5.0.2_Runtime_(rev._2) (125.5 KB)

21:52:59.097 - info: NV_L4T_FLASH_ORIN_WITH_OS_IMAGE_COMP@JETSON_AGX_ORIN_TARGETS: External storage specified nvme0n1p1

Are you flashing into external NVMe drive?

Could you help to remove NVMe drive and flash into internal eMMC first?

I have uploaded both logs, I tried both. I tried flashing both and same error

Which log is for flashing internal eMMC only w/o NVMe drive connected?

I was able to flash the device both emmc and nvme.
I was using virtual box to flash the device, was not working. Error messaging is misleading on virtual box.
It worked on an Ubuntu machine 20.04.

Yes, using VM/WSL/docker for Ubuntu would cause unstable connection or unexpected environment issue. We would suggest just using standalone Ubuntu as your host PC to develop Jetson device.

So, you could flash and boot up successfully w/o issue now?

Yes, Kevin. thank you

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